Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Challenge #4

Okay so for my fourth blog I decided to share something I like to do as a hobby. Art.
I honestly think I was much better at it when I was younger but that's because I used to paint and draw everyday. Even though I just started getting back into it, I am hoping some of that "flare" I had will come back. =)

Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!: Elijah's New Meds

Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!: Elijah's New Meds

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!: Meet Sarah Daisey Van Diesel

Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!: Meet Sarah Daisey Van Diesel: "Sarah Daisey Van Diesel is a world-renowned artist with autism. She paints fantasy-medieval art and is also a writer. Sarah is very active i..."

Top Free SEO Tools

I was emailed this article on some wonderful free SEO tools that is put out by
I found it straight forward, simple, and helpful!

Top Free SEO Tools

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are you willing to take the challenge?

Do you think you can be as brave as me to take this 52 blogs in One year challenge? If so then let me know and I will add you to a special list and make you a 52 challenge blogger of mine!
Instead of Hubpages, Ehow, and other sites that earn money from you blogging, earn it yourself and keep it all. I don't want a penny!

Here is what you have to do to be an elite:

  1. subscribe to this blog to the right of this page
  2. Create your 52 blog challenge in one years time
  3. Copy the image below these steps and upload it to your blogs layout. Link it to this blog: For the title add: This is a Challenge 52 Blog!
  4. Contact me with your blog address and your want to be in "Club 52"
  5. Have fun and start your rewarding new adventure!
If you think you have the guts to take this challenge then welcome aboard! By signing up to read my posts you will gain important information on how to get your blogs rolling, along with my support.
You will also get instant visitors, and even possibly making blogging a career! I look forward to hearing from my interested participants~!

 ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

Promoting Your Blog - Blogger Help

It can be hard to start getting visitors to your site but luckily Blogger has a basic start up guide that is easy and will give you a few non difficult tools to work with.

Promoting Your Blog - Blogger Help

Happy Blogging!


Lately, I have had a lot of fun in any little spare time I have (or use instead of sleep) to have fun with art and graphics. I have been messing with this free program that is called and it's actually really cool once you learn the ropes. I have made this on my own today for this blog and to add as a button to other blogs that are on my challenge list!

So what do you think? I had a ton of fun with it! The girl was a free clipart and I had to cut her out and put just her onto my page. She actually looks like me a bit with the black hair and the body I "once" had..haha.
I think there are about 12 different layers. I know I am not a pro.... But I have fun doing it!