Saturday, January 15, 2011

And the directory of the hour goes to....

Yesterday and today I submitted to two more directories. Today is one very important one that I would say to submit to first and it can take a little time to get listed, but you will get into the major search engines.
Submit your url to:

As for the other directories, I have three already showing up but this one is on top and giving me the most traffic so far:

When I say most, I mean like under 10 hits so far. I don't want you to do this and then wonder where the thousands are. I understand this may take some time.

I am doing pretty well with keeping up my blogging although we are only talking 3 blogs here. On my Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!, I just completely spilled my guts out. Don't know that it's a good thing but feel like I will probably do a lot of that. I think that I am finding blogging to be therapeutic. I used to write in a journal and that would help, but now just writing in it and keeping it locked away still makes me feel like kicking someones ass. (sorry for the language.) At least this way I can feel like there might be someone out there going "I hear ya girl".

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