Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random Ramblings

Yes, This is Me. But now I have
black hair. I will update!
So I am crazy awake right now! I don't know if it's because I'm so freaked out on what happened on Grey's Anatomy tonight or pissed that they blew off private practice! These are my two most loved shows. To me they are better than ........ well you know. And almost better then dark chocolate!
Anyway, I am always thinking about my blogs now. Everything I do or think I stop and go "could I make a blog about this". I can't even take butter out of the fridge without hesitating to think that maybe people would be interested in it's history. Haha... well not really but you get my drift. But yeah, some things are pretty funny. 
I am coming down to the wire though about my next blog so I do need to make up my mind about something! You are probably thinking, I had this all written down and planned out right? 
WRONG! I am just wingin' it so to speak. I am kind of leaning towards organization strategies or a blog tribute to work at home mothers out there. So, if anyone is out there reading this feel free to give me your thoughts. Anyone there? =)

Amish Style Roll ButterP.S. I will be doing a lot of random ramblings just so you are prepared. If I start to get more viewers, I might ad a webcam so you can just sit there and watch me ramble like a idiot!

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